Medicating Normal Panel

Join us for an interactive expert panel discussion immediately following the virtual community screening of Medicating Normal on Friday, October 23rd from 7:00p – 9:30p EST.

Medicating Normal follows the journeys of a newly married couple, a female combat veteran, a waitress and a teenager whose doctors prescribed psychiatric drugs for stress, depression, sleeplessness, focus and trauma. The subjects of the film struggle with serious physical and mental side effects as well as neurological damage which resulted from taking the drugs as prescribed and also from attempting to withdraw.
This event is hosted by Epidemic Answers. Epidemic Answers is dedicated to reestablishing vibrant health in our children and ourselves through education, empowerment and prevention.

The screening of Medicating Normal – the film, will be followed by an exclusive live panel discussion about nutrition and lifestyle interventions for mental health for children and adults.

Learn more and save your spot TODAY!


Dr. Laurie Goldman is a medical doctor, psychiatrist, and functional medicine practitioner who’s been in private practice since 1999. She founded Clear Path Wellness to help her patients reach their maximum state of mental and physical health using a personalized, comprehensive approach powered by the principles of functional medicine, which treats the whole person, not just symptoms.   

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AnxietyMedicating Normal Movie Screening – 10/23 7p – 9:30p EST